2022 had so much good in it. The weather on the island was wonderfully mild all summer. I know a lot of folks were a little cold, but I loved it.

Our big project this year was new carpet throughout the inn. I am SO satisfied with how it turned out. It makes me proud to look at the areas that were updated and see our home as more and more beautiful. I'm happy with the decision, though it did cost a painful amount of money, ha!
This fall we moved our big raised flower bed in the front yard by the sign to the back yard. In the front we will extend the grass over the empty space and fill in more peonies along the fence. In the new raised bed in the back we are going to expand our home grown herbs and vegetables. I'm excited about this project, and hope it bears fruit (get it) for the Inn. Shout out to Jocie for really getting us going on that. She's a rockstar and adds so much to the Inn.

My husband, Lucas, had a really exciting summer on the island. He has always been an athlete, and this year got to participate in two different really fun sporting events on the island. First he was honored to play on the Mackinac Island Never-Sweats: the Island's vintage baseball team. He had a couple really fun plays, and what a wonderful family friendly event. Then later in the summer he played with the Upper Peninsula Football Club (the island's soccer team manned by seasonal employees from all over the world) in the innaugural Mackinac Island Cup.

I was pretty proud this summer to have another piece of art work in the Manoogian Art Museum for the season's juried art contest. My piece was one I painted of my son, titled, "Gideon and Winnebago Trail." We really live a "Work Hard, Play Hard" lifestyle on the island in the summer, and this summer was no different. I think my favorite times were Thursdays Music in the Park with friends, letting the kids form their own little adventurous roving gangs around the park while the grown-ups got to enjoy good company and good music.
Our kids had many adventures, as usual. Hiking, biking, swimming, throwing rocks into the lake, climbing trees, playing games with friends - it warms my heart to know that my kids get to experience that life on the Island like I did when I was a kid. There is something so pure about growing up on Mackinac Island.

It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows (there certainly were a lot of those though). I've been fighting my own negativity, cynacism in the business. It happens slowly throughout the season, rubbed off from burned-out employees of other businesses or eaten away at me from grumpy guests. I am naturally a very positive person, so it affects me a lot when theres negativity around me. I am excited to be more proactive about it this season, and work hard at maintaining my own joy.
This upcoming season I am hoping to expand a few options for guests - including selling tickets to Fort Mackinac, having the option to include a bottle of wine upon arrival, and creating "merch" for the Inn including wine glasses, coffee mugs, post cards, etc. Its a work in progress, and won't be ready for booking in January, but should be ready by the start of the summer season.
What is something you want to see? I love hearing your ideas, and hope you know your feedback is so valuable to me! Send me your ideas!
Thank you so much for your love over the years. Honestly YOU are the heart of Haan's 1830 Inn. My joy comes from you, the people who love us so fiercely. I am so excited to work hard to continue to give you a wonderful home on Mackinac Island.
Luck and Love,